Friday, June 7, 2013

A Plea for Adulterers

My letter to the editor appeared in today's Coeur d'Alene Press if you're interested. If you'd like to read it on their webpage you can go here. I've also pasted it below:

Letter to the Editor
June 7, 2013

A Plea for the Adulterer

Tuesday night the Coeur d’Alene City Council passed by a vote of 5 to 1 legislation that prohibits discrimination against individuals who are gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, or transgendered in the matters of employment, housing, and pubic accommodations. I am disappointed that this legislation just doesn’t go far enough. I write a plea for the adulterer.

It seems hard that in this day and age of sexual freedom and liberation that the adulterer is still castigated with some public stigma. After all, we all know how challenging marriage is and particularly how challenging it is for men to remain sexually committed to just one woman. Currently there is no legislation that forbids employers from discriminating against the adulterer or guarantees hotel rooms for late night liaisons.

Just imagine the personal trauma faced by the adulterer when he enters the hotel with his hot new babe in tow. There at the welcome desk is the owner of the hotel – a next-door neighbor of the adulterer who happens to have a conscience. The neighbor gazes at the man and his babe and, recognizing neither wife nor daughter, summarily refuses to give them a room for the night. What’s more, he gives the adulterer a sound verbal lashing. So what’s the adulterer to do? There aren’t any laws that protect him from such humiliation and injury. This just isn’t fair.

After all, he and his hot mama are consenting adults; what right does this hotel owner have to refuse to give them a room? Perhaps the Coeur d’Alene City Council will come to the rescue on their white horses. In one fell swoop they can rescue the world from discrimination by championing the cause of the adulterer. After all, if there is nothing natural or honorable in the arena of sexuality, then why not take up my plea?

Stuart W. Bryan
Trinity Church