Isaiah 61:4 (NKJV)
4 And they
shall rebuild the old ruins, They shall raise up the former desolations, And
they shall repair the ruined cities, The desolations of many generations.
Once upon a time
there were two skilled stonecutters working diligently at their craft. A young
man walked by admiring their skill and industry. The care they took with the
stone, the intricacy of their work, and the nature of their tools enchanted
him. But most he was struck by their intensity; they were absorbed in their
task. The young man couldn’t resist the urge to learn more.
“Excuse me, Sir,” the young man said to the first
stonecutter. “What are you doing there?”
The stonecutter glanced up at the young man, wiped sweat from his brow, and
gave the young man a quizzical look. “Well,
lad, as you can see I’m cutting stone.” And with that, the man went back to
his work, chisel and mallet in hand, focused and intent.
The young man
moved on to the second stonecutter. He watched the stonecutter for a few
minutes; noted the calluses on his hands; the dust and dirt on his apron; the
blood trickling down the knuckle that he had just caught on a piece of stone. “Excuse me, Sir,” the young man said to
the second stonecutter. “What are you
doing there?” The stonecutter glanced up at the young man, wiped sweat from
his brow, and gave the young man a smile. “Well,
lad, I’m building a cathedral.” And with that, the man pointed behind him
to the plot of ground that had been cleared for the new church.
Today is a
momentous day. Today is a day of transition; a day of new beginnings; a day
when the old things have passed away and, behold, new things have come! We are
commissioning Kenton to serve as the lead pastor here at Christ Church and
calling you, as the people of God, to support him and pray for him in this
calling. For many years Joost has faithfully served this congregation; for the
past couple years Kenton has been faithfully serving this congregation; now
each is assuming a new role, embracing a new vocation.
As we inaugurate
this transition, no doubt some young man is going to come up and ask us, “Excuse me, Sir, what are you doing?” So
what are we doing? Are we merely cutting stone? Merely commissioning a new lead
pastor? Merely making sure things run smoothly here at Christ Church? Or are we
building a cathedral? Laying another stone in the construction of the Kingdom
of God here in Spokane? Battering against the gates of hell?
Isaiah reminds
us that the work to which God has called us is not merely cutting stone, not
merely running organizations, not merely filling vacancies. The work to which
God has called us is to rebuild the old
ruins, and raise up the former desolations. Our task is glorious – it is to
reverse the effects of the Fall by laboring for the expansion of God’s kingdom;
to repair the ruined cities, the
desolations of many generations. This is what we’re doing.
Do you see that?
Do you see that today in what we are doing and do you see that daily in the
work that you are doing? Have you remembered the end for which you are
laboring? Or are you, like the first stonecutter, just cutting stone? When
someone asks you – be you student, plumber, nurse, teacher, homemaker, soldier,
administrator – when someone asks you, “Excuse
me, Sir,” or, “Excuse me, Ma’am, what
are you doing there,” how will you respond? Will you say, “Can’t you see I’m cutting stone?” or
will you remember the end of your labor, the purpose of your labor, the goal of
your labor, and declare with joy, “I’m
building a cathedral? I’m laboring that God’s kingdom come, His will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.”
Reminded that we
often fail to remember our true vocation, that we lose sight of God’s noble and
glorious calling in our lives – to rebuild the ruins and raise up the former
desolations – let us confess our lack of faith and vision. And as we confess,
let us kneel together.
Our Father,
We confess that
we often lose sight of our calling in this world. We become so focused upon our
particular task that we lose sight of that for which we weekly pray – Thy
kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Forgive us for our
short-sightedness and grant us grace to keep before our eyes the vision of Your
kingdom, that we would be your instruments in the world rebuilding the ruins
and restoring the devastation that our sin and others’ sin brings to the world.
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